Thursday, May 31, 2007

Celebrating archaic hassles, calling it "validity"

New band for the lyrics posts. I make no apologies for today's post, and it was influenced by alcohol and Leadbelly. Eat it, fuckos.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Sleep took everything I had

I oughta have my freaking head examined. The internet is ruining my life.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Ever get the feeling ideals can't take us where we need to go?

Still loopy, still quoting Lifetime songs in the title line. Whoop de doo. In regards to the first one, well, it seems like every time I catch a random bit from Dragonball Z, it always involves someone who's 7-feet tall grunting like they have a block colon while flexing and colored energy swirls around them. What the fuck is up with that? Douches.

Oh, and if you're not listening to the new Gaslight Anthem album Sink Or Swim, well, fuck you. It's like someone took the best parts of the Lawrence Arms, Lucero, mid-period Against Me!, and Bruce Springsteen and made a record. Shit kills! Get on it, Chester.

She's all books and quotations and no fun and games

I hope you enjoyed your three-day weekend reprieve, but now back to the dumbassery that is my hobby.

Friday, May 25, 2007

The kids won't come around tonight, they're staying home

Caturday lolercaust! Or something. Sweet god do I want to get drunk. It's 9:30 in the morning. This changes nothing.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

When panic's got me by the collar I need to go your way

Good lord. This is basically a daily exercise in my own retardation and a test to see how much of Jersey's Best Dancers I can quote for subject line. W00t. Die.